Helen Goodman MP, the shadow Minister has been voicing some views on the future of Libraries and is now conducting a consultation. She said in a recent speech: "I am very concerned about what is happening to libraries across the country. The Library Campaign thinks we’re in a process of losing up to 1,000 libraries and last month I visited Lincolnshire, which has been hit particularly severely by library cuts. Below I have set out the current situation faced by local libraries, as well as a case study of what is happening in Lincolnshire. As we continue to develop our policies and move into our manifesto writing phase, it is vital that Labour has a proactive approach to a modern library sector, where the Conservative-led government has so badly failed. I have posed a series of questions and would be grateful to hear from you by 30 June if you have any thoughts."
To see her comments and questionnaire visit: http://www.publiclibrariesnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Letter-on-Libraries-Helen-Goodman.pdf
Thanks to Public Libraries News for this information
To see her comments and questionnaire visit: http://www.publiclibrariesnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Letter-on-Libraries-Helen-Goodman.pdf
Thanks to Public Libraries News for this information